Dumb & Dumber | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Dumb & Dumber

This past couple of weeks, I have the misfortune to meet with some really shallow dumb & dumber people. You know, people like in the movie Dumb & Dumber, except that these are young people. Perhaps due to their age and inexperience, they are so shallow.

They are looking at things on the surface and not really analyzing things on a deeper level. I don't even know why I have to deal with such people at work, at home and even people that are half acquainted to me. It's all my bad luck, I guess.

Earlier this year, I think I forgot to tar siew yan, that's why they are all now sticking to me. Next year during Chinese New Year, I am gonna make sure that I will whack them 99 so that they won't have the chance to mess with me.

It's bad that some people are so dumb and they have to make it worse by thinking that it's cute. I don't know, man, have you ever faced such people in your life? People who make you want to curse at them for 18 generations?


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