Yet Another Ah Long Case | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Friday, June 01, 2007

Yet Another Ah Long Case

Did you read the latest news article about a family of time in Ipoh who perished in a pre-dawn fire? Well, it is suspected to be the work of loan sharks. People who have been following my blog know that I am anti-loan sharks. I have lost too many friends at the hands of them. And some nearly took their lives but were saved.

I wonder when will this Ah Long menace end, if it will ever?

I do not blame people to seek financial assistance from Ah Long unless these people used the money to feed their bad habits. There are many reasons why one is in need of money. I know only too well. Desperate times call for desperate measures and it really is not surprising that many people go to Ah Longs because they are so easily available with ready cash.

I definitely think this should stop but I wonder who will listen to me. I know the effects of blogging and if we all blog about it, perhaps somebody will take notice.

On the other hand, I am not that naive not to realise that this is a protected industry and by that I mean that somebody with authority are protecting it. But I am not telling who even if I know.

So how can we stop the activities of Ah Long. The way I know how is to stop our demand for their service though this will require a collective effort. Hopefully their business will die off like that.


Borrego said...

I didn't know it was such a problem over there.

Em said...

Hi Borrego!

Yes, it is a huge problem here but the authorities aren't able to do anything yet.

Thanks for leaving a comment. I tried to leave you a comment too but you have so many blogs! =)

_butt said...

news like this really depressed me..

sigh.. I wonder why people still go for ah longs knowing the danger and all that.. easy money perhaps?

Em said...

They are desperate for fast cash. Take a loan first, talk later, even though they know that high interest rate will be charged.

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