Wrong Reason To Start A Forum | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Wrong Reason To Start A Forum

One of my not-that-close friends asked me for help. He has just started a forum and wanted my help to make the forum active. He knows that I could post and post and make people think that the forum is alive so that they are comfortable to join in.

Well, that was the past. I did tell him that I do not have time for such games anymore but he caught me on MSN and sent me this message:

Him: Can you help

You see, he did not place a question mark and I do not like chatting with people who are do not know how to use their punctuation marks properly.

Anyway, I went to check out his forum and oh boy, it was full of ads. Well, I know that he has read in the papers that some prominent bloggers are earning thousands of AdSense Dollars every month. In fact, right after the article came out he asked me if it was really possible? I guess that gave him the idea of starting the forum.

Now, it is not that I do not want to help him out but I seriously don't even have the time to brush my hair anymore. Secondly, the fact that he has heavily monetized his forum and asking me to make it alive means that he is making use of me. While I do try to help people out as much as I could, the way he is treating me is like I am dumb.

I already told him that if he wants to set up a forum, he needs to have a whole posse of friends helping him and not one friend alone but he never listened. He has already asked me twice and I have already turned him down twice. Let's see how many more times could he ask and how long I can tolerate him.


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