Why You SHOULD Comment | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Friday, June 08, 2007

Why You SHOULD Comment

I know I have not been a good blogger because I hardly ever visit blogs AND then leave a comment. What I do is to visit a blog AND THE LEAVE. So you can be sure that I do not have many friends who are bloggers.

On top of that, I do not write posts hamsup compelling enough that make the handful of faithful readers leave a comment. I read that to solicit comments, I have to write in a question form, RIGHT OR NOT?

So it's all my own fault.

However, in case you did not notice, since the day I changed my blog template from the default one, I have already implemented DO FOLLOW. Now, you may wonder what is DO FOLLOW. Well, Do Follow means that when you leave me a comment, it will be counted, by Google and Technorati, as a backlink so if you have many such backlinks to your own site, your site will increase its Google Page Rank and Technorati Authority. When we have a website, we want as many links pointing to our own website.

That being said, when you drop me a comment, you will be creating a backlink to your own site. You don't need to request for a link exchange or ask to be added to my blog roll or anything like that. If you would like a backlink from my blog, ** An Anonymous Journal **, just leave me a comment.

Thank you very much!


shoppingmum said...

Mmm...interesting. But can I know how to put a Do Follow code?

Em said...

Hi Amy,

Go to "Edit HTML", check the "Expand Widgets" box, CTRL-F and search for "nofollow" that is next to the comments. Delete the rel="nofollow" and SAVE.

Chris the Geek said...

Anyways, I think your blog is pretty awesome. Here is a link to my site forGeek t-shirts.


Chris Geek

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