What Paris Hilton Should Use | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

What Paris Hilton Should Use

Isn't it sad that Paris Hilton has been sent to jail? Granted, she has violated the law but I feel that it is too harsh a punishment on her. Moreover, it is common knowledge that the jail that Paris is serving time is infected with staph bacteria that causes Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus or better known as MRSA.

To avoid MRSA infection, what Paris should use is StaphAseptic. I have written about MRSA before and I remember that infection is easily caused by cuts, scraps or burns. StaphAseptic which kills MRSA bacteria is available at all major pharmacies like Rite Aid, CVS, Eckerd, Walgreens, Fred Meyer and Amazon.

If you would like to read up more on staph and MRSA, visit www.StaphAseptic.com and while you're there, do watch the video, MRSA: The Ticking Time Bomb. It is scary but a little bit more knowledge doesn't hurt.


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