Simple Scary | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Friday, June 22, 2007

Simple Scary

Last week was a week of bad news. We received news that the son of our family friend has been stricken with cancer. He is only 30 years old. When people of your own generation are sick it just drives home the point that life can be very fragile indeed. One minute a person is here and the next *poof* he is gone.

And then there is a lady, the wife of our friend, who is also down with cancer. The last time we met her was a couple of months ago and she was looking very healthy.

She subsequently went to take a biopsy test on a small lump at the side of her neck. The results returned positive and her health went downhill from there. Although she is no longer 30 years old, she is has two young children. Heck, one can't be too old to suffer from illnesses.

I think all of us have noticed that more and more people are suffering from cancer? WHY??? Is it because of environment factor, the food we eat or the lifestyle we keep? I used to advise my friend to stop smoking but he tells me, "Smoke also die, don't smoke also die!"

Well, unfortunately, that is so true. What more could I say, then?


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