Shopping Spree | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Shopping Spree

Well, I previously wrote about a friend of mine who received a windfall and then went on a shopping spree that spanned from Kuala Lumpur to Singapore. I have already lost count how much he spent. Was it MYR15 or 20K? Thankfully, he has stopped spending. I told him to put aside some money because when he is old and no longer has the ability to earn and yet no money, nobody will pity him. This is a reality of life that we see daily.

There are times too that I feel the need to buy something but I always stop myself and ask, do I need it or do I want it. Why do I want something and what is my purpose that I have to have it.

Many times, I find that while I may have a passing fancy over something, each time I run the questions through my head, I find that I do not really need these material items. And after answering my own questions, I never hanker for them anymore. It is very effective.

I have lived such a deprived life for so many years that even if I don't have something, I never really feel the lack. And if I do spend money to buy it, I will feel damn guilty.

What I really want is not material things but good health, good life and the ability to lead life as I like and I would be happy.


_butt said...

well said! :D

woww, RM15k?? couldn't imagine what I can do with that amount of money.. endless of things I can buy!

I did the questioning too in my head whenever I saw something I liked, between want and need. say if I spot a fancy dress that I liked, for example, I won't buy it at that instant. I will wait for few days and see if I still liked to have that dress.. and it worked! most of the time I realized that I didn't need any more dress or shoes than what I have now..

life wasn't easy for me and my family too..

happy weekend!


Em said...

Yalo, _butt, that fellow bought big screen TV, computer, laptop, hand phone and some other electronic items, refurbished car also... so much :-o

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