Building My Little Small Office Home Office | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Building My Little Small Office Home Office

I think it was since March this year that I have wanted to buy an office desk because I am in the process of building my little small office, home office. I bought a printer and don't even have a proper place for it.

I went to check out the various designs from home furniture stores but so far could not find one that could satisfy my needs PLUS meet my budget. There is one that I really like but it cost about 30% more than what I am willing to pay for. Perhaps I need to save up some more money first and then get it.

Talking about furniture, I need a new bookshelf. In fact, I have already wanted a new one since a couple of years back. Mine has fallen apart, no thanks to me stuffing it with heavy books. Well, my dad did warn me!

My mom told me since I am furniture shopping, I should get some curtains too since ours are worn already but I told her it's still too early and we should wait until just before Christmas so that we can show them off to guests when they come for our Christmas open house.

The problem with buying drapery is that firstly, we have to agree on the color first!


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