My Aunt's Home Improvement Plans | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Saturday, June 02, 2007

My Aunt's Home Improvement Plans

The other day, I went to my aunt's house to help her change all her kitchen and bathroom faucets. She said that she has found really beautiful ones that match the bathroom and kitchen. Besides, she said she spent so much time in the kitchen (maybe the bathroom too?) that she needs a change of colors.

My aunt said that at the end of this year, she will be receiving TWO (!!) months' bonus and she has plans to do more sprucing up of her kitchen and baths. I could feel the pressure already because I KNOW she will need my help.

Maybe I can enlist her children to help me with some housework and gardening after I am done with her bathrooms and kitchen. I think it is only fair trade, isn’t it?


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