Monetize Your Blog Further With The News Room | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Monday, June 04, 2007

Monetize Your Blog Further With The News Room

Today, I have the good fortunate to share a new revenue stream for bloggers and webmasters. This is a very simple concept where you are paid to publish videos or advertisements on your blog or website. Now, this is not any old news or videos, ok? I have joined The News Room and let me tell you, there are SO many videos that you can publish on your site LEGALLY.

Besides getting free content and GET PAID (!), I could also participate in their contest to win electronic gadgetry, vacations, and even cars.. If you have been reading my blog, you will know that I am badly in need of a laptop AND A car! This is a great chance for me!

Apart from earning money through publishing videos and news on my blog where CPM, or cost-per-thousand impressions starts at $1, I could also earn money when my blog readers embed MY content onto their own site. That means I will be getting paid for the second tier. Are you following me? I hope so.

Anyway, trust me, if you want to further monetize your blog and in the event earn more revenue get an account with The News Room. It is free to join!


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