Milk Bomb | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Milk Bomb

I have been complaining that I no longer have time to do anything else except work and take care of my monkeys but nobody understands. I am even only sleep snatches here and there stealing a few winks through the night. As you know, my monkey hasn't been doing too well and that makes me no mood to do anything extra also.

My friend asked me, 'But haven't they been sickly though the years? What difference does this sickness make?" The thing is that they are no longer young and I can really see how their health has deteriorated this past year.

Anyway, I was so hard pressed for time, I bought a carton of fresh milk and totally forgot about it until the day before it was supposed to expire. The package was so fat from all the fermentation that it exploded. If it did not explode, I would still have forgotten about it.

Can you imagine the mess made by sour milk? EEEwwww


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