The Many Attractions of New Zealand | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Friday, June 22, 2007

The Many Attractions of New Zealand

My friend, Warren, has plans to migrate to New Zealand. However, he is still working and can't afford to retire early. What he is doing whenever he could get away is to tour New Zealand as much as possible so that by the time he retires, he would have a very good idea on which part of New Zealand he wants to settle down in.

He told me that his vacations to New Zealand is not too expensive thanks to the availability of
cheap hotels in Auckland and many parts of New Zealand. I thought that Summer is the time when prices go up but apparently that is not the case. One could book a room at a 2-star hotel in the heart of Auckland for NZD35 per night only. He said that those who are seeking a little bit of luxury could stay at 5-star hotels from NZD152 only, which is still affordable.

Auckland seems to be Warren's preferred new Zealand City due to its many attractions like the zoo, museum and the Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tamaki. He told me before that if he lives there, he would be able to visit these places daily! Wow, won’t he get bored? He said that I would not understand unless I have been there to experience first hand the country that is New Zealand and in particular, Auckland. I guess he is right!


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