Apple iPhone | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Friday, June 22, 2007

Apple iPhone

Apple will finally release the iPhone on 29th June, 2007. It's been too long in incoming after all the delays. I wonder if I have made the right decision in buying my smart phone or should I have waited a little longer for the iPhone, which is supposed to be even smarter than the smart phone?

You may know that I am not all that happy with my purchase, not because I forked out an arm and a leg for it but it is because it did not work as I expected it to.

Well, it all boils down to horrible time. And the big question is, will the iPhone ever be available in Malaysia? If so, when will that be and at what price? I am not willing to spend more than MR2000 on a phone, including accessories.

So, I kinda regret getting my smart phone now that iPhone is almost here and with TOUCH SCREEN!!! So what do I do with my smart phone, the one that I am not happy with? *sigh*

P/S: I would have posted a picture of the iPhone if I did not read that it is illegal to simply post its photos. Really ah??


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