How to Find the Man of Your Dreams | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

How to Find the Man of Your Dreams

All my friends know that I have been a failure in finding the man of my of dreams. Somehow, while I may feel excited about meeting a new guy, the feeling fizzles out pretty quickly as soon as I know the guy better. I don't know why. My friends chided me that I am too picky. Perhaps I am! My dad used to tell me that I have to marry the man who loves me and not the man I love, well, that is pretty tough!!

I recently won a book voucher and I bought this self-help book called, How to Find the Man of Your Dreams. It was very funny because I am not actually LOOKING for someone (duh!!) but I bought it due to pressure from friends! That believe that such a book will definitely help me.

Well, we shall see!


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