Succumbed To Astro | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Succumbed To Astro

Does anyone know how long Astro has been in existence? I have NEVER felt the need to subscribe to it because I felt that the internet is more interactive and provides more value for money compared to cable TV. Many people asked us why we do not have Astro as if every household must have it. And if you don't have it, people make you feel like you are not of "standard".

Last weekend, I finally subscribed to it. Not that I succumbed to the pressure but I was forced to take out a subscription because I need a utility bill under my OWN name and address and as I have blogged in a few recent posts, I have been facing various red tape trying to change our telephone, water and electricity bills. I STILL do not get it why we have to go through all the trouble when it is just changing subscriber from one family member to another.

Since cable TV bill is good enough to verify my home address, I decided to just take the short cut by taking out a subscription. I was telling me dad that if Astro also needs to take a look at our house grant before installing, then DIE! Of course, that was a joke.

And if all else fails, I guess I would be forced to BUY A HOUSE hahaha!


Anonymous said...

Great alternative, only smart people can think of this. If its me, I'll just focus hard and scratch my head on those utilities bills I have.

What package of ASTRO do you subscribed with? Cheapest? Since you said that it don't mean anything to you.... Lolz.

Em said...

Hi Yee Piao,

I wanted to subscribed to the Family Package only but my dad kept saying he wants to watch "animals" so I have to take Learning as well but since I can't take Family + one mini package, I am forced to take News also.

So now my package is Family + Learning + News = RM49.95 per month. :-/

Since I have Astro in the house, I haven't even watched one program from beginning to end *sigh*

_butt said...

here's the astro contest to win the motorola phone. it's only open to astro subscribers (now that you are) and you'll find the entry form along with this month June's bill statement. I hope you'll have it. :)

good luck!

Em said...

Hi _butt!

Thanks for the heads up! May the best entry win :p ;P :p

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