Congrats to Pak Lah BUT ........ | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Congrats to Pak Lah BUT ........

Although I rarely have the luxury to read the news, I still do catch some headlines here and there so I do know that Pak Lah is getting married thanks to the news feed at the top of my blog.

However, my friend sent me a message saying that he is disappointed with Pak Lah. He said that Pak Lah mentioned in the press conference that he is marrying the lady because she can take care of him.

Now, my friend is a guy and even he felt offended that Pak Lah is so chauvinistic. What happens to the part that he can take care of her? Heck, should they not be taking care of each other? Of course, that could very well be a scripted piece of speech and if it was scripted, I say, sack that speech writer!

Gone are the days when the woman bears the burden of taking care of the man, the children and the home and also hold a full time job outside the home, if she wishes so. In today's time and age, responsibility falls on two people's shoulders and it is not enough effort on the man's part to just pay for household and living expenses. Don't you think so?


KCLau said...

Nowadays, woman can more financially independent. They don't need men for men's ability to earn a leaving. This makes getting a wife a tougher job than ever before. I am also curious how our leader can fall in love just after a few years of his wife departure. Maybe he is loving person :)

Em said...

Hi KCLau!

Thanks for your comment!

Hehehe I do agree that some women earn more than men but in "taking care" it is not only financial needs.

Love is blind so anyone can fall in love any time hehehe my neighbour who is 80+ years old already also like that :-D

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