The Chef In Me | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Thursday, June 21, 2007

The Chef In Me

Many people were surprised that I could cook. Well, I could, but they do not know that I have experienced many mishaps in the kitchen including burning lots of pots and pans!

I first learned to cook thanks to the guidance of my friend's mother. She is a great cook and baker. People asked me how come it is not my own mom who taught me to cook. Well, she does not know how to cook at all. I am so lucky that I managed to get some tips from an experienced lady instead.

After that, I continued to try out my own recipe in a
DIY style. I did not really like to follow recipes 100% because there is always something that can't be found around here!

But now I am such an old hand already that I no longer burn my utensils but I find that as I become more busy with work, I tend to thin of other things while I am cooking, so I always have to double check that I have switched off the gas. We don't want to burn the house down, do we??


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