Blog Hopping Marathon | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Friday, June 08, 2007

Blog Hopping Marathon

For the past couple of weeks, I have been blog hopping and I think I have visited more than two hundred blogs. For most of the blogs, I tried to read all the posts on the first page even though all the blogs have been monetized one way or another.

I don't really mind all the sponsored posts or link ads and what not, which by the way, could be turned off if you have a filter enabled. What makes me close my browser is when the blog is slow to load or something pops up suddenly that makes my browser hang.

You know, I am using tabbed browsing and when one tab hangs, all my other tabs are also forced to shut which I loathe! Sometimes Firefox hangs in such a way that even after closing it, I can't open another window because it says that there is another window running and I am forced to reboot. So to me, I don't mind what is written within a post. Heck, I even enjoy reading the sponsored posts if only to see how others interpret a task but please don't place so many things on your blog that it takes eons to load.


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