Birthday Gift Request | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Birthday Gift Request

My friend, Warren, told me what he wants for his birthday and they are hamilton watches for him and her. Knowing that I do not earn that much money, at least not as much as him, he said he is willing to accept replicas!

I told him if I were to really buy him the pair of watches, of course I will never buy replicas. What sort of friend would I be giving replicas as birthday gifts? Besides, I never trust replicas because there is no brand name quality and guarantee even though they don't come cheap! They may look good but they break down fast too. It would be a waste of good money.

Since Warren's birthday is this September, I think it's time for me to save up some money. I am, of course, going to buy him the real thing. I don't mind the price tag because Warren has been one of my best friends. He is one of the rare people who would help me with anything no matter what.

If he wants a pair of Hamilton watches, then that's what I am going to surprise him with!


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