Bad News | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Friday, June 01, 2007

Bad News

Last night, I received bad news from a friend that her sister became a victim of snatch theft. She was walking back to her office after collecting daily earnings from her agents when she was kicked from behind by a motorcyclist. She had her handbag snatched while she fell onto the ground, knocking her head against the curb.

She is now unconscious with internal bleeding somewhere inside her head, holding on to life.

Snatch theft has become too rampant. Although this case happened in Kuala Lumpur, it is the same scenario everywhere, even in my cow town. No longer is it safe to walk the streets.

There were two things that she did wrongly, though.

1. She should have walked against the flow of traffic -- an important pedestrian rule
2. She should not have carried a handbag

When my friends ask me why I never carry a handbag, well, this is exactly WHY.

I would like to send out an appeal to everyone that if you come across a snatch theft victim, PLEASE HELP. I know it is the Malaysian mentality that they are afraid to involve themselves. But I am sure that should the same thing happen to your loved one, you would have welcomed any help from good Samaritans, right?


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