Seduce A Celeb! | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Seduce A Celeb!

I stumbled upon a unique win-a-date website except that the date in question is none other than Mirelly Taylor, the star from "Kiss Me Again", "Serving Sara", "Las Vegas" and "Numb3rs". If you have watched any of her movies or TV shows, you will know how seriously HOT Mirelly is!

This contest, running on for 14 weeks will see GoFish members outdo each other trying to win a date with Mirelly. The contest begins with Mirelly in three videos with specific calls to action and participants are supposed to create videos for each one to answer her calls. Participants of course need to be as creative as possible to stand out from the crowd.

So far, this contest has received tremendous support from GoFish members, mainly because just about anyone who lives in the United States and who can come up with a video can participate and stand a chance to win a date with the beautiful Mirelly.

I must say that GoFish members are really a hilarious bunch, judging from the submissions thus far. Well, they have to be in order to garner public votes! Check out the Free videos at

While I think that Mirelly makes a good kick off to the program, it would be interesting to see the show feature Paris Hilton in the celebrity line-up, perhaps after she is released from jail.


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