Too Fast For Comments | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Too Fast For Comments

At the speed I am blogging, it is no wonder that readers hardly ever leave me a comment anymore. If they do, it is usually for a post in the back pages. Sigh too bad.

I think I am publishing at least three posts on the average but there are good days that I publish more than ten posts. I kinda pity my readers for having to keep up with my pace and sorry to have bombarded my blog feed subscribers.

Someone told me that it is a wonder I have so many things to write about and another person told me that he does not mind my sponsored posts because he learnt quite a few new stuff from them too!

Whoa, I am encouraged to continue blogging Wwwhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

I've just received a piece of good news so I'm ecstatic!! Woohoooo!!!


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