Let's Talk About … Car Insurance | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Let's Talk About … Car Insurance

As you may have read in a couple of post this past week, I am considering buying a car. However, my friend told me that my budget planning is wrong because I did not take into account car insurance, road tax, maintenance and gas bills!

My friend told me that car insurance is on the rise because everyone he knows is paying higher car premiums than they normally did. The bad news is that premiums will continue to rise.

My sister has confirmed this and come to think of it, the premium for my dad's car is higher this year. How come I did not question that earlier?

However, to offset this, my friend said that if I were to purchase a car insurance policy from my current insurance provider for my house, life and health policies, I will be eligible for a loyalty bonus which means a lower cost of my cover. It seems that loyalty pays with motor insurance. This sounds great!

My friend told me that some insurance companie shave implemented insurance schemes where they charge motorists based on the distance they drive, with premiums starting at a penny a mile. I don't know how well this will be received but it sounds like a bad deal for motorists.

Does that mean I can't buy my dream car now? :-(


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