It's The School Holidays AGAIN! | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

It's The School Holidays AGAIN!

You may be thinking why I bother to keep track of school holidays when there are no school going children in my household. Well, I dread school holidays because that is the time my friends come to visit me and they expect me to take them jalan-jalan in town.

The truth is, I do not have the time to spare and secondly, they will compare my looks from the time they last saw me. Just take a look at the ungodly hours that I post on my blog and you will notice that I never get a decent night's rest anymore. Is it any wonder that I look like sht? Do you think I want people to see me like this? No way, especially not people I know. Strangers nevermind lah.

Since this school holidays is quite long, two weeks, two of my friends have already made plans to come. I wonder what there is to see here in my cow town but I told them half-heartedly to give me a call when they are in town. *sigh* I DON'T LIKE IT :-(


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