Checking Out A Conservative Blog | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Checking Out A Conservative Blog

So the general election is coming soon. My sister tells me that in the United States, most people feel a need to declare if they are a Conservative, Liberal, Democrat or Republican. Well, I don't see the logic of declaring once stance. However, my sister says that when one meets the other, usually a heated debate follows. I guess some people are just over passionate about politics.

Anyway, my sister told me to check out a
conservative blog. Although I am not going to say whether I am a Conservative or Liberal HEHEHE, I did enjoy reading the blog of a Conservative. Well, he pokes fun at the Liberals whenever he feels like it and I do agree with his observations. I particularly enjoyed 10 Tips on How to Spot a Liberal and and older post "Indeed, Liberalism is a Mental Disorder" which I think are rather funny. No Liberal should be offended because they are rather accurate!

I feel that no matter which side of the fence we stand in politics, we have to always read between the lines and analyze in-depth and not listen to one side of the story only. Oft times, politicians only tell us what they want us to know but we have to see the big picture and find out the things that we SHOULD know.

Don't you think so?


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