Impressive Black Diamond Jewelry | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Impressive Black Diamond Jewelry

Last weekend, I went to shop for wedding rings with a friend whom I shall call Fatty. That is his nickname and he knows it!

It has been a long time since I stepped into the jewelers as I did not have anything specific to buy so I tagged along for the experience and to share the joy of Fatty's impending wedding.

I was surprised that black diamonds are all the rage now. The previous time I shopped for jewelry, the platinum was the most popular item but now it is black diamond jewelry. Even Fatty wanted to get black diamond rings but I am not sure if the parents would allow since a wedding is such an auspicious occasion that RED is the only color that is suitable. You know, old people can be rather superstitious.

We were told that all Hollywood celebrities are sporting black diamond pendants and diamond studs and I think we need to be up-to-date and wear a few of such pieces ourselves! Check out the images. Aren't they amazing?

I came across My Solitaire website that has the widest range of black diamond jewelry and what I am impressed with is that we can actually design and create our own diamond stud jewelry and make our own jewelry like a professional jeweler by following the guided three-step process provided by My Solitaire.

I think it's simple awesome. People will be impressed with our own specially designed diamond jewelry! Oh, how I like that!


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