Homework for Memorial Day | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Homework for Memorial Day

My friend told me that Monday is Memorial Day and that I can finally take a break. Well, I guess not. I am going to do some homework this Memorial Day holiday. What I plan to do is to do as much promotion as possible for my blogs. Get them up on as many blogrolls as possible. Get Linky Alexa Love, well you get the drift.

For the past few months, I was busy building the Page Rank from a new unranked blog to my goal of Three. I managed that and now I would like to build the foundation for both blogs to get a Google Page Rank raise, preferably a Five but Four is good enough for starters.

It has been a Three for the longest time. Was it one year only? It felt like an eternity. Many moments have escaped me yet many thoughts have been penned typed out. This blog alone is going to hit a thousand posts soon. Phew.

As you can see, “Pangsai also no time!”


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