I Remembered! Woot! | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Saturday, May 26, 2007

I Remembered! Woot!

Last year, I remembered making a blunder when I totally forgot my friend's birthday and then felt like kicking myself. How time flies. It's another year again!

And this time I remembered. I am so happy. If I had forgotten again, it would be the THIRD time that I have forgotten. We can't have that, can we?? I don't think I am that terrible a friend!

So this year, I actually cheated. To be honest, I did not remember until I received an email reminder from my AIM which I had entered his particulars. Phew.. thank god AIM did not let me down. hehe

So when I received the email notification at midnight, I straight away sent him an SMS, don't care if he is in bed or whatever, in case I forget once again!
And he replied the following day telling me that he is one year older with one more bald patch. hehe so funny.

Never mind la, he is already married, who cares? :p


_butt said...

haha! I 'cheated' as well.. thanks to those friendster birthday reminders and all that, I remembered most of my friends' birthdays!! lol

Em said...

hehe _butt, if not for all the reminder services, I really won't remember wan. Times flies too fast lah. Mother's Day, Father's Day all I forget. I'm so terrible :-(

_butt said...

you got busy ma, so it's acceptable that we 'forgot' sometimes hehe.. :)

Em said...

I feel so guilty, though, especially when they tell me, "Eh, today my birthday lah!"

And I go, "Really meh???"


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