Countdown to PC Fair | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Countdown to PC Fair

I can barely wait for PC Fair to be here! You know, I'm going to look for a DVD-RW and a printer all-in-one. But till now, I can't decide which brand and model I want. I am confused by the conflicting advice given by friends.

One told me to get a good one, which is also VERY expensive. Another told me to get a mid-range one, which better suits my budget and usage. But the one who told me to get the expensive one asked me why bother getting a cheapo unit knowing that it will KO after 13 - 15 months?

Urrghh so confusing and I bet I am going to be a hundred times more confused when am actually at the PC Fair with so many stalls and a sea of people. I just hope that I am able to make a good decision without regrets.


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