A Kitchen Scale Birthday Gift | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

A Kitchen Scale Birthday Gift

My cousin has an interest in cooking and baking so we thought that we would encourage him to pursue this as a career. We know there are not many boys who like cooking and baking but he has always been different from other boys.

For his birthday next month, I think I will get him something that would help him in his quest to be a great chef and baker. I recently went shopping for kitchen scales! I went to all the neighborhood shops but couldn't find one that suits my budget so I decided to shop online. That's how I came across ScalesEtc.com

To my delight, they do carry various types of kitchen scales and at $45 and $55, they are affordable enough for me. I am sure my cousin will be on cloud nine to receive this surprise birthday gift from me!


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