Who Will Win? | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Friday, February 16, 2007

Who Will Win?

Well, I entered a couple of articles in the Fuel My Blog competition where $200 cash is up for grabs. The winner will be announced on 16th February, 2007. Who will win?

I hope I will. Winning $200 cash will mean I write less 40 freaking paid posts at $5 each. At the conservative length of 100 words per paid post will come up to 4000 words! That's a lot. As it is now, my hands are already suffering from carpel tunnel syndrome *sigh*

I don't know why, but good luck has always been hard to come by for me. To win $200 cash will need me plenty of luck. It's gonna be a huge windfall to me should I win.

It's an occasion to dance the happy dance.


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