Not Everyone Can Blog | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Friday, February 16, 2007

Not Everyone Can Blog

When I first ventured into the world of blogging, one of my greatest fear was cranking out original content regularly. Many friends cautioned me about blogging as they know what a horribly boring life I lead and I would have NO content to write and even if I did, who would want to read about what I had for lunch or dinner and when I shat (past tense of shit, geddit?)

After so many months, where I started to write one post a day, I am now writing THREE posts a day. I am not even sure if I am writing posts that anyone would be interested in.

I did not start blogging to make friends unlike some people who are blogging to look for Mr. or Miss Right. I do not even go around leaving comments although I try to blog hop once a while. I'm glad I managed to keep my blog alive after so many long months.

But then I realised that not many people can blog. Last year, I asked a friend why doesn't she keep a blog? She kinda liked the idea so she registered for one. After some weeks, she came back to me and told me, "Hey, every day I think about what to write in the block but can't come up with anything."



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