Planning A Holiday In Toronto? | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Monday, February 05, 2007

Planning A Holiday In Toronto?

My friend Yi-Vern and her family migrated to Toronto, Ontario years ago. She did not even complete her basic education here because she said that she would rather spend her high school years in Ontario's top schools, where she will get the best in education, in health care with the cheap health insurance plans and in overall higher living standards.

Every time we talk, she will invite me to visit her and tells me there are so many things to see and do in Toronto.

Of course, there is the famous
Niagara Falls that one MUST see. Even though she has lived in Toronto for years, she still makes it a point to visit the falls yearly because the air and scenery there is just refreshing and breathtaking.

Knowing that I am quite a party animal, she tempted me with the
Poshest Night Clubs in Toronto. Toronto is a metropolitan city with an international flavor quite unlike Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, even the club scene is different with the many influences from global cultures, which she said that I must experience for myself, or I can't claim to be a party animal!

She said that if I ever plan to go for a holiday, to plan my trip to coincide with
Toronto Festivals. There are so many varied festivals planned throughout the year and they must not be missed. There is the Canadian Aboriginal Festival for the dance and music lover and there is the One of a Kind Show and Sale which I would love to attend and SHOP to my heart's content!

She said that movie around in Toronto is very stress-free. The public transport is so orderly and reliable or I can opt for the popular
car rental in Toronto, if she is not around to drive me around.

A holiday in Toronto sure sounds tempting!


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