Hair Removal Mishap | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Monday, February 05, 2007

Hair Removal Mishap

This is a hair removal story related to me by my friend. She has unnaturally rough, long and curly hair on her legs. Female usually have fine hair, some don't even have hair on their limbs.

This friend started to grow hair at about 14 years old. It was very unsightly and she was embarrassed by it.

One day, she used her father's shaver to shave off the hair, while he was not at home. When her father came home, he saw that his shaver had all these rough hair, and he asked, "Who used my shaver???"

Haha my friend forgot to wash the shaver!

This happened long before the days of good
hair removal products.

So after my friend shaved off the hair, it started to grow back rather quickly. Her legs were so itchy when the hair was growing, and her skin looked like chicken skin with all the small bumps. Some hair follicles even had pus like small pimples. It was worse than having hairy legs!

After that episode, she dare not shave anymore, and had to suffer from ingrown hairs too.

Luckily then, waxing was the IN thing to do. It was not cheap in my town but she was adamant to get the hairs off her legs. Even though she did not hold a high paying job, she saved every cent just to afford a waxing session every month.

She told me that it is quite painful at first, but she soon got used to it.

Lately, she has even said goodbye to waxing, thanks to hair removal kits that are so easy to use, pain free and without the embarrassment of razor bums!

She told me that after using this hair removal cream, her hair grows back at a slower rate and those that do come out are finer in texture. She is confident that with prolonged use, her hair will even stop growing completely!


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