My Blog, My Diary | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Saturday, February 17, 2007

My Blog, My Diary

I used to keep a diary when I was little. At the beginning of every year, I would start a fresh diary and end up not knowing what to write. Usually, it was just something stupid. Maybe that was why I did not bother to start diaries any longer.

Now, I am feeling like I'm treating my blog as an open diary, like how I recorded my 5kg weight loss, the nightmares and milestones of my monkeys, the debts and especially who has been treating me right, who hasn't. Haha!

These are all personal stuff, that's why I don't mind if there are no readers. Readers are a bonus, comments more so.

When I started this blog, I also did not set it up to generate traffic, otherwise I would have blogged on controversial issues and I am not an attention whore either.

Anyway, this blog is serving its purpose well of giving me an avenue to release the voice in my head. It does not matter if no one hears me.

Private thoughts in a public domain - Boon


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