The Boxes Are Ready | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The Boxes Are Ready

Since last week, I've got boxes ready as I would like to pack off some of my unused clothes to the orphanage. These clothes are in good condition but since I do not wear them anymore, I thought that I might as well give them to people who have better use for them.

I read before that if there is any piece of clothing that you did not wear at all for three years due to whatever reason, you probably will never wear it and if it is given away, you will not even miss it.

Actually, I have been doing this clothes donation thingy since I was a kid. There is a convent and orphanage near my house and it sort of became a ritual for my family.

However, lately, I have been so busy,I kept adding in clothes without giving any away, my wardrobe is about to burst and topple over, seriously.

Well, it happened to my bookshelf, I won't be surprised if it happens to my wardrobe as well. I am a confirmed hoarder! I really need to get some stuff out and also catch that stupid lizard which is still, I guess, living inside.

The only question is, WHEN?

Related post:
Help Me To Get The Lizard Out


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