Blog Spring Cleaning | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Monday, February 12, 2007

Blog Spring Cleaning

It's amazing. Chinese New Year is just less than ten days away and I am not spring cleaning the house like I should be doing and instead I took the trouble to clean up my blog.

It actually took me a few hours to remove all the dead image links from my old sponsored posts. I said dead image links because I accidentally deleted my image from my image host. Big blunder! Gah!

Anyway, I took the opportunity to delete all the little red X boxes AND also Count Tracula links from the sponsored posts. I hate them and they are the primary cause of getting my posts rejected because I always forget to append the link! Ah!

So now, all posts are up to date going on a month to month basis. Less mess, easier to load too.

But the mess only comes back every day haha!


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