Weeding Out Unscrupulous RakeBack Affiliates | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Weeding Out Unscrupulous RakeBack Affiliates

I became interested in Poker after watching the Korean Drama, All In. It's a drama that's all about poker, from playing in seedy game houses to the glitzy casinos of Cheju Island and then Las Vegas but there was no online poker playing!

I decided to check out what is available online for me and realised that we can sign up for a room to play in, but the smart players will get back their rakeback if they had signed up with an affiliate beforehand.

Rakeback affiliates willingly send back a portion of their
rakeback commission to encourage customer loyalty. So a lot of players virtually get to play poker cheaply or even free.

However, the question is, with so many rakeback affiliates around, which one is trustworthy? Which will stay true to their word and not delay payment, or worse, vanish with our rakeback?

Trusting online companies is not easy. That's why we, the consumers have to band together and keep each other informed of which companies are reliable, which are not.

In the case of rakeback affiliates where much money is involved and where rakeback makes up a significant portion of income for most poker players, it is very important to review each affiliate.

This is where directories like RakeBreakers.com come in. If you are a customer of any rakeback affiliate, write your review and submit it to RakeBreakers.com If your affiliate is as yet listed, you can just drop RakeBreakers.com a note together with you review.

Constructive reviews will help to weed out unscrupulous companies and protect other poker players from falling into their traps


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