Blogging For Money | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Blogging For Money

Recently, I was getting hits for this post that I wrote two months ago: When I Grow Up, I Wanna Be A Problogger!

I wondered where these people came from, of course, but there was no referral information.

Anyway, I found out yesterday. Someone cited this post in a discussion along the lines of "Should bloggers place ads in their blogs?"

Now, I wanna clarify that this post does not mean that I am by any means advocating problogging, especially for guys. If you have read my recent posts, I touched on problogging again and my opinion on it.

When I Grow Up, I Wanna Be A Problogger! is purely an observation piece.

Some people were of the opinion that under exposed blogs like mine should not have ads because that would not serve the purpose if it is not read by people. Well, in my opinion, it serves me just right.

If I have a high traffic blog, do you think that I would bombard my readers with ads? No, I don't think so. I would rather generate passive income through Adsense and other contextual ads.

I know there are many people who judged me based on the number of paid posts I put out. Well, let me tell you, if you have been a reader of this blog before the deluge of sponsored posts, you will know the kinda background I come from.

At least I make no pretensions that, yes, I am hard up for this money and I fight for every dollar. So what if I make two sponsored posts a day? I do my part by writing well thought out posts for the sponsors.

I am only taking an opportunity that is given and I must be out of my mind if I do not take it, having to carry the financial burden that I have. I have blog readers who became friends with me through blogging and they are supportive of me but of course there will always be believers and non-believers.

And the non-believers are usually bystanders who have nothing better to do than to spend time "discussing" about issues. We can find many such people in the coffee shops, can’t we?

Although my blog now has sponsored posts, it does not mean that my interim posts are of lesser quality. They are still as original, as well thought out, as well written and as lengthy as before. In short, my interim posts are NOT filler posts. Each has its own original story to tell.

In conclusion, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do and nobody has the right to fault her for that.


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