Hello, Your Fly Is Open! | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Hello, Your Fly Is Open!

Those who know me know I ask the darnest questions sometimes. Hahaha... I'm a bit off, you know? :p Recently, I asked a couple of my male friends if they have ever had their fly down in public hahaha

This question came to mind because I saw a man with his fly down at a coffee shop. I did not know if I should inform him or not. He was with his wife and children but no one noticed.

If I were to alert him, he will think that I'm a pervert to even glance at him below the belt. I contemplated, but in the end, I did not alert him *sigh*

This got me wondering why most men tend forget to zip up. I thought that it's already a reflex action after so many years of wearing pants.

Friend A told me that it's not forgetfulness but it's something else *ahem*

Friend B told me that it's not true that only men forget. It seems that women too. He said he saw women walking around town with the zip of the skirt down.

Wahhh like this dangerous lor. What if the buckle comes off? Then the skirt drops lor *gasp*

I asked Friend B if he alerted the lady, and he said no. Wow... is that bad or what?

So if you come across someone, especially of the opposite gender, with the zipper down, would you alert him/her about it?


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