Everything Also Leceh | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Everything Also Leceh

Recently, a friend of mine complained that he is still jobless. He has graduated from an Australian University more than six months ago. At first, every time I see him, I will ask him if he has found a job, and he was so fed-up, he told me to STOP asking. So I stopped but now he himself comes and tells me about it.

I have felt that he did not look hard enough for a job. Perhaps there are too many people with his qualification, I do not know. Maybe it is an employer's market and he has a higher expectation than what is offered. Whatever the case, he doesn't have a job.

So I asked him why not write paid posts? He is one of my few friends who updates his blog regularly. He was curious so I asked him to look at the stuff I did on my blog.
He was skeptical and asked if there is proof that anyone has been paid doing this sort of thing. That was easy, I am that proof.

Anyway, I told him to migrate his old contents to a new own-hosted blog since we were not sure if his free blog host allows paid posts or not. He said that is leceh.

He asked me what are the rates like and I told him, the higher ranked his blog is, the higher pay out he will receive. He said it is hard to achieve a high page rank and build a readership base. Leceh again.

The we talked about payment. I suggested he get a Paypal account and have it verified with a Public Bank debit card. He said he doesn't have this. Well, of course not since we were not born with Paypal and a debit card, right?

He said that the RM24 annual charge for the debit card is too expensive because he is not working. Well, if he writes paid posts, he can pay for the RM24, can't he? Leceh again.

I can relate to his situation where both of us try to get an income source with the least capital output. We are both from underprivileged backgrounds though he is better than me as he was put through an Aussie university education by his parents, whilst I could only dream of that.

But when he dismissed everything with leceh-ness, who wants to help him? Friends are important to me and if I could spent ten months diligently looking for a job for a friend, I can spare thirty minutes explaining the workings of writing paid posts to another.

I did not even do it to get his referral fees, it went unmentioned. I only told him because it is something that works and something that he can do whilst seriously looking for a job.

I still encourage him to look for a real job as I do not agree that a man should be a problogger and stay at home the whole day blogging. This should be a woman's job, and blogging for money is just extra side income to the man's salary.

But since it's all leceh-ness, I'll just let him look for his own job then.


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