Colon Cleansing Only For The Brave | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Colon Cleansing Only For The Brave

When my friend discovered my blog, he was very amused that I wrote about the personal problems I faced like my acne problem. He asked me when am I going to write about my constipation since I do suffer from one once in awhile. Well, I guess the answer is NOW.

Well, this friend told me not to let our blogging buddy, Samm, know that I have constipation. Otherwise she will tie me up and insert a tube up my colon and force me to a colon cleanse.

I wonder why Samm is in this field. I was told that she enjoys this! My, how sadistic, how gross! I wonder how she can go home and enjoy her dinner every night! Buekkk *vomits*

Just take a look! Words fail to describe this!

If I were the one doing this, I would suffer from nightmares. Having said this, I absolutely agree that there are health benefits to colon cleansing.

When Boon was looking towards alternative healing during his fight with cancer, he tried many things, but never colon cleansing! It takes a very brave man, or woman, to go through the embarrassment of allowing a stranger to see this ultra yucky side!


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