Relieving My Monkey's Stress and Anxiety | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Relieving My Monkey's Stress and Anxiety

So the other day, after a bout of seizures, again I had to visit the vet. I hate to go to animal clinics because they tend to make me quite depressive.

As I mentioned, my monkey's seizure was triggered by stressed after three weeks of continuous rain, lightning and thunder, which he developed a fear for.

This time, the vet prescribed him with
Anivive, a pet stress and anxiety remedy that helped to reduce his stress. At first, I was rather apprehensive as I do not like to feed him anything extra in case it triggers his seizures, but I decided to trust my vet. Moreover, Anivive is a natural remedy and not conventional drug which usually causes more harm than good.

After only two days, my monkey showed significant improvement and I couldn't detect heart palpitation anymore. He wasn't so afraid of thunder anymore either. I am now banging on Anivive to bring back the monkey that he used to be.

I wish that I have known what to give him earlier so that this bout of seizures needn't have happened.