Ejaculate Like A Porn Star | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Ejaculate Like A Porn Star

That is what I am told to do a few times EVERY SINGLE DAY!

How many of you also receive spam mail with this subject title? I wanted to ask them, male or female porn star, eh?

Although most spam mail are caught by Spam Guard and are assigned to the Spam Folder, I do make it a point to check that folder, as some times legitimate email are mistaken for spam.

It also gives me a chance to see what products people are currently touting. Looks like this month, it is some supplement or is it cream that can make people ejaculate like a porn star, however porn stars ejaculate. Not that I know, ok?

I wonder how many people actually take the time to read spam mail. I for one will just glance at their subject title and delete them all in one go. I wonder what percentages of people who do read them spam mail are converted into customers.

It must be quite a lot, otherwise why do people think it's worthwhile to send out mass email? For one, mass mail will usually fall into the Spam Folder and that itself eliminates a large number of people from even look at the subject title.

There are people like me who read the title then delete the mail. Then there are people who read the email, or even visit the link provided, but will not buy.

Aihhh it's tough even for spammers.


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