I'm Off to Scottsdale, Arizona! | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Saturday, December 16, 2006

I'm Off to Scottsdale, Arizona!

Last year, my friend, a baseball freak, told me about the San Francisco Giants Spring Training he attended and he was full of stories and excitement about the matches that he watched since he is such a huge fan of SF Giants.

This year, he told me that San Francisco Giants Spring Training will be at Scottsdale Stadium in Arizona, USA and he told me that he has saved enough for the two of us to attend! He has even planned our trip in detail, from air flight to accomodation right down to a pair of
Giants Spring Training tickets.

Oh my God, I'm so excited! Although I am not as huge a fan of baseball as him, I am still more than happy to accompany him! Who wouldn't love a free trip right? And I've been longing for a vacation anyway!

I can't wait to go to Arizona to cheer for his favorite team, the San Francisco Giants!