When I Grow Up, I Wanna Be A Problogger! | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Thursday, November 16, 2006

When I Grow Up, I Wanna Be A Problogger!

During my parents' time, right after Form Five or the most, Form Six, the girls would fight to get into teaching or nursing while the boys would try their best to get into the uniform bodies like the army, navy or air force. That's because trainees were given a healthy monthly allowance.

In those days when times were so tough, only the rich kids could afford a tertiary education as soon as they completed Form Six. There aren't many local universities around and to get a degree, most need to go overseas. Most people only can put themselves through university whilst holding a full-time job.

For people of my generation, where obtaining a tertiary education is so much easier for many people, what with the booming economy, the bullish stock market, and with the 2 + 1 and later 3 + 0 twinning degree programmes and the mushrooming of local universities, many were able to achieve their ambitions of becoming doctors, accountants, lawyers, etc. In short, to be "professionals".

I remember when I was in primary school, we were required to give the class teacher our top three ambitions. We were so young, we don't even know what is AMBITION, what is CITA-CITA? And when we were told that it means what do we want to work as when we grow up, we will go, "Oh, I want to be a teacher, like you!"

Five years from now, I envision children of the new generation telling the teachers that their ambition is to be probloggers!


rainbow angeles said...

Problogger sounds cool!

Em said...

I wish I'm still a kid so that I can say that to my teacher and bengang her :p

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