Putting in 19 - 20 Work Hours a DAY | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Putting in 19 - 20 Work Hours a DAY

After the stupid incident with my neighbour who has the nerve to offer me a RM600/month job (oh my god - small *g* for god - I still can't believe it!), three days ago, I have been putting in 19 - 20 working hours A DAY.

On one hand, I know I'm gonna kill myself pushing myself like this, on the other hand, I can't let him see me losing.

So I was telling my friend about this episode, and wondered to him, "Am I only worth RM600 a month?"

And he told me, "No one has the right to place a value on others. Only you know your true worth. Each person has his own skills and you have your own."

Ah... the beauty of friends!

Nick Portokalos: Don't let your past dictate who you are, but let it be part of who you will become.
Toula Portokalos: Nick that's beautiful.
Nick Portokalos: Yeah that dear Abby really knows what she's talking about.

-- from My Big Fat Greek Wedding"

Blogging is an escape from work wwwhhhheeee


Kamigoroshi said...

I used to work a 9-5 job for 400 a month. Of course, transport and meal fees apply to while severely deducted cause of the company I was working in subsidized most of it.

I did also work for free at my labs, nothing much there except mundane lab work whenever they tell me to.

The point really at this time isn't the money. Money can always be resolved if you're frugal enough. The point now is always to smoosh your resume with legitimated work experience (blogging isn't a legitimate work experience) so that when you do get out for real work, you're ahead of the gap.

Em said...

Hi Edrei,

Thanks for your constructive comments.

By the way, I mean blogging gives me a break from the long hours of work just like how some people take a ciggie break. =)

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