How To Survive On RM600 per Month? | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

How To Survive On RM600 per Month?

Today, a neighbour of mine, a doctor, stopped at my house, and asked me if I wanted to work as his clinic nurse and offered me RM600 per month, due to my inexperience. And we still have yet to deduct EPF and what-not.

Oh my goodness, I felt so insulted. What does he think I am to offer me RM600? That's even worse than a maid's salary.

How can I survive on RM600 a month when my monkeys already need RM300 a month. With a balance of RM300, transport will require RM4 a day commuting to and from work, and then let's say breakfast and dinner on my parents at home, lunch will require about RM4 a day.

And that leaves RM60 balance a month. Is it worth it or not?

Years ago, a doctor whom my family knows also offered me RM20 a day to be his clinic nurse cum receptionist. Oh my was already LOW then, and now it's gonna be 2007 in less than two months, and it's still this rate? Maybe doctors don't know about inflation?

Or maybe professionals are over smart. It's said that this race's one sen is larger than the wheel of a bullock cart. Sadly, but truly.

7 comments: said...

Hehehe, you can easily 3-5 times that, just blogging part-time. Try PPP? Bvtise (I also wrote before) have no assignments whilst PPP, you can do many per day.

Em said...

Yealor. I think he'll have a hard time finding anyone. Even elderly ladies without education can demand higher than RM600 a month.

PabloPabla said...

Time are bad, economy is down...

kluxchan said...

I am surprised by the low wages in Malaysia. Find it hard to believe that this is TRUE!

Turn down the offer and go find another job.

Em said...

Hi pablopabla,

Yes, times are bad, but he's making it worse if I as a consumer don't have spending power.

Hi luxhan,

Thanks for the encouragement.

Unfortunately, it's true for people like me without tertiary education.

It could be higher, if this doctor isn't so stingy!

My friend was telling me, MYR600 can only buy him a pair of Kenneth Cole shoes.

Dragon City said...

y not try government sector? at least there are more benefit..

Em said...

Dragon City,

Govt. sector not much pay, due to pension.

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