The Ups & The Downs | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Friday, November 10, 2006

The Ups & The Downs

The Ups:
1. Monkeys are better. Let's hope they stay this way.
2. Received USD9.31 (less service charge) for my ad on my blog. My first payment for copywriting on my blog.
3. Finally got a long needed haircut but it's bloody expensive.
4. Share price is down MYR0.10 (excluding commission) ONLY. Was down MYR0.30 last Thursday. When is the bull returning?
5. Repaid some sleep debt these past 2 days. An extra hour a night is good enough for a start.

The Downs:
1. Fatty monkey is afraid of thunderstorm now. He was OK for the last 12 years, why now suddenly?
2. My haircut looks fugly cos the hairdresser doesn't know what I want and kept correcting, until my hair is so short now. From waist length to collarbone, you say feel naked or not?
3. Somebody in NYC can't make it back on time for my birthday. Can only come back after Thanksgiving, might as well DON'T COME BACK.
4. Somebody booked me as tour guide but I don't want to do.
5. A lot of down time, non-productivity at work. Wasted.


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