Upgraded to Blogger Beta | ** An Anonymous Journal **

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Upgraded to Blogger Beta

After some long months, I have finally upgraded to Blogger beta. The delay was due to password issues. I have crossed my Blogger password with Gmail so it was very troublesome to log in and out just to reset the passwords. Anyway, it's finally done.

And now I have to find my way around the control panel again. I find it a waste of time to relearn something. I prefer familiarity. I have the logic of "Don't fix it if it ain't broken."

What to do? Now my blog seems quite difficult to load and I can't return to the old Blogger (non-beta). Just like how now I hate Windows Live and Yahoo! Photos. So damn hard to load with the crappy Streamyx.

And by the way, I have done away with word verification. I wanted to take it off a long time ago, but I couldn't as I have changed my template and had problems turning word verification off. The only way to go about it was to edit the code, which I have no idea how to do.

Moreover, the one thing that I wanted in Blogger beta is CATEGORY, but it seems that I can only have it if I upgrade my template. That will mean I have to forgo my current template, which I like very much and spent ages tweaking it to just the way I want it.

I guess I will now be spending the next couple of days just labeling all the old posts. I hope you guys have no issues with this "upgrade".


Admin said...

you will be more sorry if you upgrade to the beta templates. yes they do let you do some basic things, but i can't find a way to insert my adsense into the beta templates. They only allow ads in the sidebar where no one clicks.
Just stick to this old one if you still want to keep your adsense in place.


Em said...

Ah pek,

Thanks for your feedback.

Now the problem I'm facing is, I can't seem to edit my labels. For example, if I made a spelling mistake, I can't edit it, but end up having two of the same, one with wrong spelling, one with the correct spelling.

Only good thing is that technorati picks up my posts now.

Also, now I can't use Gmail if I'm logged into Blogger, if they are of different accounts. This is the problem with universal passwords.

Upload photos also give me two of the same photos.


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